With movement we find balance
Winter walk 2022
We stay busy in our house and exercise is not limited to walking, but since Elda has been a walker for as long as I can remember it is something we try to do often because she likes to be outside, see what is going on and who we can meet.
Walking, exercise and simple movements have tremendously helped me with Elda, especially during some of her outbreaks of anger. When I went to Florida in 2018, to help my mother walking was one of the only ways to get her to calm down. We would be passing the most beautiful day and suddenly she would get angry. She still had her mind and thoughts, but they were leaving her and during these moments there was nothing you could say to help or calm her down. I literally would walk out of the house and let her chase after me, even in the hot Florida sun, and walk as she was yelling behind me until she got tired, until I could approach her without an argument. Truly tough, exhausting moments that lasted a good hour or two.
The walking calmed her down because it was physically demanding, but also because she had to focus on her movements not her anger. This, even at home holds true; she still chases me around the house when she gets mad.
We also do simple exercises either while she is sitting or if she stands, we move together. She sees it as a game and often laugh as I raise her hands ten times and count out loud. It keeps her blood circulating and helps her legs to not swell from lack of movement; my mother Elda is physically in very good health.
To see more videos please visit our Youtube channel perlamoredielda
playlist: The importance of movement for those with Alzheimer's/L'importanza del movimento per chi soffre di Alzheimer
Elda’s first day with a walker. She loved being able to be free (and Gioia the bunny too) and walked back and forth through the house all day long. September 2022
Elda learning how to use her walker, how to turn and how to break. She is unbelievably amazing, and she is so happy with it and I am sure her independence!
This video demonstrates how I try to motivate Elda to move, she doesn’t always want to dance but she thinks its funny to move her arms or legs to the music..and that is how we get her to get some exercise. Dicember 2022
This video was taken in March 2023. I found the need to start exercising again, to have a specific time for myself. Elda loves to watch the yoga videos so when I finish, it is her turn to move.
Walking with a special friend Azzurra, 2019
Getting back on her feet and outside after a bad fall in the house 2019.
Springtime walk in the sun 2021.
Taking a rest with her bunny.
Today Elda got up herself to do some exercises. In January she lost her son and in Febuary her sister. I did not think she would recover from the pain she felt. But each day we are finding reasons to smile and feel happiness. April 2023